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C h a s d e i E l i y a h u
Chasdei Eliyahu is offering Purim cards to send to your friends and family to let them know that you have fulfilled the mitzvah of Matanos La’evyonim in their name. The suggested donation is $2.50 per card. To place an order call 484-243-0582 or order online through Donorbox. When ordering cards, please make sure the Donorbox address is the correct one for receiving your cards.
The proceeds from this campaign will enable Chasdei Eliyahu to assist families in need with Matanos La’evyonim on Purim day, Passover expenses and throughout the coming spring and summer.
Remember to indicate the number of cards when checking out.
To order Purim cards online securely via Donorbox, fill out the form below:
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